Using Ultrasonic Sensor for Distance Measurement
ABSTRACT An ultrasonic sensor to detect the distance measurement system is introduced in the literature. In this literature consists of the working principle of ultrasonic distance measurement, the structure properties of ultrasonic sensors, the ultrasonic sensors in the transmitter and receiver. Ultrasonic sensor is a component of detecting the distance. The system consists of; software is written using Ardunio, ultrasonic ranging module, the ultrasonic transmission circuit, the ultrasonic receiving circuit, the serial monitor and the alarm and LEDs circuit. This system can be used level measurement, parking sensor, presence, position and other areas. Ultrasonic Sensors Ultrasonic sensors are used in many applications. One of their most common applications is in robotics. That is because they are easy to interface and comprehend. Ultrasonic sensors contain ultrasonic transducers. A transducer can convert one energy form to another. The transducer is the reas...